
A Espuma dos Dias que foram 16

Com um ar de quem explica as formas de pagamento numa reunião Tupperware diz “sexuality it’s about communication, not about great bodies, otherwise most of us wouldn’t be getting any, would we?” e depois com ar de quem recolhe os cheques que pagam os ditos tuppewares e se prepara para ir embora, lembra que um dia antes numa palestra para mais velhos, uma senhora velhota lhe deu “isto” e ela, agora já com um brilho quase nada irónico nos olhos, leu:

Today is Not a Good Day for Adultery

Today is not a day for adultery.
The sky is a wet blanket
Being shaken in anger. Thunder
Rumbles through the streets
Like malicious gossip.

Take my advice: braving
The storm will not impress your lover
When you turn up at the house
In an anorak. Wellingtons,
Even coloured, seldom arouse.

Your umbrella will leave a tell-tale
Puddle in the hall. Another stain
To be explained away. Stay in,
Keep your mucus to yourself.
Today is not a day for sin.

Best pick up the phone and cancel.
Postpone until the weather clears.
No point in getting soaked through.
At your age, a fuck’s not worth
The chance of catching ‘flu.

Roger McGough

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